HUPO 2025
Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission is Scheduled to Open February 2025.
Important dates

February 28, 2025
Registration & Housing Opens

July 3, 2025
Abstract and Travel Award Notifications

February 28, 2025
Abstract Submission and
Travel Award Application Opens

July 31, 2025 (23:59 PDT)
Early Registration Deadline

May 16, 2025 (23:59 PDT)
Abstract Submission and
Travel Award Application Deadline

September 26, 2025 (23:59 PDT)
Regular Registration & Accommodation Booking Deadline

Abstract Submission Guidelines
- An abstract may have only one presenting author. There is no limit to the number of co-authors per abstract.
- There is no fee for submitting an abstract.
- Prepare the following sections in plain English text for pasting into the appropriate text boxes during submission. Abstracts can’t be edited after submission.
- Title (maximum 20 words)
- Authors and affiliations
- Structure the abstract body (maximum 300 words) with the following headings:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- (References optional)
Abstract Submission Categories
Below, you will find the list of abstract submission categories, with keywords provided to help you identify the most appropriate category for your abstract. Alternatively, you can click on “List of Keywords” to download the PDF file.
Application of Proteomics in Biopharma and Food Industry
Antibodies, Drugs, Biotherapeutics, Bioprocessing, Molecular Pharming, Biopharma, Diagnostics, Future Food (E.G., Cultured Food), Quality Control, Counterfeit Detection, Food Fraud
Artificial Intelligence in Proteomics
Keywords: AI in Mass Spectrometry, Biological Insights, Classification, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised, Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Cell Signaling and Proteome Dynamics
Keywords: Protein Homeostasis, Stability, Turnover, PTM Dynamics, Signal Transduction
Chemoproteomics and Drug Discovery
Keywords: Activity and Thermal Profiling, Energetics-Based Protein Separation
Biopharma, Chemoproteomics for PTM Profiling, Click Chemistry, Chemo-Enzymatic, Machine-Learning and Computational Modeling, Small Molecule Modulators, Molecular Glue, Protein Degraders
Clinical Proteomics
Keywords: AI And Computational Approaches in The Clinic
Biomarkers, Diagnostics, Prognostics
Clinical Cohorts, Clinical Trials, Population Health and Studies
Precision and Personalized Medicine
Targeted Therapies, Therapeutics, Tissue Biopsies, Body Fluids
Data Integration and Innovative Computational Methods for System Biology
Keywords: Functional Enrichment, Differential Abundance, New Statistical Analyses
Integrative Bioinformatics
Network Biology
Novel Software, Computational Methodology, Databases and
Repositories, Annotations
Environmental and Human Microbiomes
Keywords: Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Viruses, Phages, Etc. Metaproteomics, Meta-Metabolomics Microbiota Source (E.G., Marine, Soil, Gut, Skin, Saliva, Microorganisms)
Glycoproteomics and Post-translational Modifications
Keywords: Chemical Modifications Glycobiology Glycosylation, Phosphorylation, Acetylation, Ubiquitination, Methylation, etc. N-terminomics, Degradomics
Host-Pathogen, Infectious Diseases and Virology
Keywords: Antimicrobial Resistance, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Viruses, Phages, etc., Immunobiology, Pandemic Preparedness
Immunopeptidomics and Immunoproteomics
Keywords: Antigen Presentation, Antibodies, Autoimmunity, HLA/MHC Class I & Class II, Immunopeptides, Immunoproteins, Method and Technology Development, Vaccination, Immunogenicity, Immune Response
Innovations in Proteomics Methodology
Keywords: Analytical Techniques, Computational Analysis, High-Throughput, Deep Proteomics, Method, Technology, and Instrumentation Development, Sample Preparation, Workflow Automation/Integration
Multi-Omics and Systems Biology
Keywords: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Metabolomics, Lipidomics, Integrative
Omics, Multi-Omics Data Integration, Network Biology and Modeling
New Technologies for Large Scale Proteomics
Non-Canonical Translation and Microproteins
Keywords: Non-Canonical Open-Reading Frames and Proteins
Novel and Alternative Proteins
Small Open Reading Frames and Proteins
Novel Computational Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data
Keywords: Computational Methods for Data Acquisition Data Processing (E.G., De-Noising, Normalization) De Novo Sequencing Novel Search Engines, Strategies, Peptide and Proteins Identification, Open Modification Searches Quantification
One Health One World
Keywords: Animal, Human, Environmental Health, Plant and Agricultural Proteomics, Sustainability, Veterinary-Based Proteomics
Proteome Organization
Keywords: Organelles, Membranes, Extracellular Vesicles, Protein Complexes, Protein-protein Interactions, Proximal Proteomics, Cross-linking,
Secretomics, Surface Proteome
Proteomics in Human Diseases
Keywords: Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Metabolic Diseases and Diabetes, Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders
Quantitative Proteomics
Keywords: Chemical and Metabolic Labeling, Data Independent Analysis and Data Dependent Analysis, Label-free Quantification, Quantitative Approach
Single Cell Proteomics
Keywords: Low Copy Number, Mass Cytometry and Imaging, Method And Technology Development, Single Cell Multi-Omics, Single Organelle, Single Cell-Type
Spatial and Imaging Proteomics
Keywords: Imaging Processing and Analysis, Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Microscopy, Proximity Labelling, Cross-Linking, Tissue and Cell imaging
Structural Proteomics
Keywords: Chemical Footprinting, Cryo-EM
HDX, Cross-linking, Limited Proteolysis, Machine-learning and Computational Modeling, Native Mass Spectrometry, Thermal Profiling and Energetics-based Protein Separation, Protein
Technological Advancements
Top-Down Proteomics and Proteoforms
Keywords: Combinatorial Modifications, Middle-down, Native Mass Spectrometry, Protein Complexes
- Antibodies, Drugs, Biotherapeutics
- Bioprocessing, Molecular Pharming, Biopharma
- Diagnostics
- Future Food (E.G., Cultured Food)
- Quality Control, Counterfeit Detection, Food Fraud
- AI in Mass Spectrometry, Biological Insights, Classification, Data Analysis
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Supervised, Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence
- Protein Homeostasis, Stability, Turnover
- PTM Dynamics Signal
- Transduction
- Activity and Thermal Profiling, Energetics-Based Protein Separation
- Biopharma
- Chemoproteomics for PTM Profiling
- Click Chemistry, Chemo-Enzymatic
- Machine-Learning and Computational Modeling
- Small Molecule Modulators, Molecular Glue, Protein Degraders
- AI And Computational Approaches in The Clinic
- Biomarkers, Diagnostics, Prognostics
- Clinical Cohorts, Clinical Trials, Population Health and Studies
- Precision and Personalized Medicine
- Targeted Therapies, Therapeutics
- Tissue Biopsies, Body Fluids
- Functional Enrichment, Differential Abundance, New Statistical Analyses
- Integrative Bioinformatics
- Network Biology
- Novel Software, Computational Methodology, Databases and Repositories, Annotations
- Proteogenomics
- Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Viruses, Phages, Etc.
- Metaproteomics, Meta-Metabolomics
- Microbiota
- Source (E.G., Marine, Soil, Gut, Skin, Saliva, Microorganisms)
- Chemical Modifications
- Glycobiology
- Glycosylation, Phosphorylation, Acetylation, Ubiquitination, Methylation, etc.
- N-terminomics, Degradomics
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Viruses, Phages, etc.
- Immunobiology
- Pandemic Preparedness
- Antigen Presentation, Antibodies
- Autoimmunity
- HLA/MHC Class I & Class II
- Immunopeptides, Immunoproteins
- Method and Technology Development
- Vaccination, Immunogenicity, Immune Response
- Analytical Techniques
- Computational Analysis
- High-Throughput, Deep Proteomics
- Method, Technology, and Instrumentation Development
- Sample Preparation
- Workflow Automation/Integration
- Genomics, Transcriptomics, Metabolomics, Lipidomics, Integrative Omics
- Multi-Omics Data Integration
- Network Biology and Modeling
- Non-Canonical Open-Reading Frames and Proteins
- Novel and Alternative Proteins
- Small Open Reading Frames and Proteins
- Computational Methods for Data Acquisition
- Data Processing (E.G., De-Noising, Normalization)
- De Novo Sequencing
- Novel Search Engines, Strategies, Peptide and Proteins Identification, Open Modification Searches
- Quantification
- Animal, Human, Environmental Health
- Plant and Agricultural Proteomics
- Sustainability
- Veterinary-Based Proteomics
- Organelles, Membranes, Extracellular Vesicles, etc.
- Protein Complexes
- Protein-protein Interactions, Proximal Proteomics, Cross-linking
- Secretomics
- Surface Proteome
- Aging
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular
- Gastrointestinal Diseases
- Metabolic Diseases and Diabetes
- Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders
- Chemical and Metabolic Labeling
- Data Independent Analysis and Data Dependent Analysis
Label-free Quantification - Quantitative Approach
- Low Copy Number
- Mass Cytometry and Imaging
- Method And Technology Development
- Single Cell Multi-Omics
- Single Organelle, Single Cell-Type
- Imaging Processing and Analysis
- Mass Spectrometry Imaging
- Microscopy
- Proximity Labelling, Cross-Linking
- Tissue and Cell imaging
- Chemical Footprinting
- Cryo-EM
- HDX, Cross-linking, Limited Proteolysis
- Machine-learning and Computational Modeling
- Native Mass Spectrometry
- Thermal Profiling and Energetics-based Protein Separation, Protein Folding
- Combinatorial Modifications
- Middle-down
- Native Mass Spectrometry
- Protein Complexes
Frequently Asked Questions
Abstract titles will be released July 23, 2024.
The full abstract bodies will be released on August 14, 2024 at 10:00 PDT, except those abstracts included in the WCLC 2024 Press Program.
Abstracts selected for inclusion in the WCLC press program, including Presidential Sessions abstracts, will be kept under embargo until either the time of the presentation or the beginning of the WCLC press conference in which it is presented, whichever comes first.
An abstract that has previously been presented at another meeting will only be considered if there have been significant updates to the presentation. Submitters are required to list any previous presentations during the abstract submission process.
The submission of single case reports is not permitted, however, submission of case series with a minimum of 3 cases but preferably 5, including literature review is accepted.
July 12, 2024 is the withdrawal deadline for regular abstracts and August 9 for LBA abstracts.
The presenting author registration deadline (except LBA abstracts) is July 12, 2024 (23:59 PDT). Abstract presentations for a presenter (except LBA abstracts) not registered by this date will be withdrawn from the program.
- LBA designation will only be given to impactful prospective studies that will change clinical practice within the year and whose data are not available at the time of regular abstract submission due to study events and/or timelines. Examples include randomized phase II and/or III trials, and large single arm phase II trials in rare subtypes of thoracic malignancies. LBA’s in other disciplines that change clinical practice within the year will also be considered.
- LBA designation is not a means for extending the regular abstract deadline. Highly impactful studies that have complete data should be submitted as a regular abstract and will be considered for a prominent oral presentation based on scoring by the program committee.
- For abstracts that do not meet LBA requirements the authors will be given 48 hours to update the submitted data before the abstracts are re-classified as regular abstracts and rated based on the updated information.
Yes, industry is permitted to be in the lead and senior author positions in the author list of an abstract. However, Industry/pharmaceutical/commercial authors are prohibited from presenting Presidential, Oral, and Mini Oral presentations. Industry/pharmaceutical/commercial authors are permitted to present poster or e-poster presentations.
Associated manuscripts for any abstract selected for presentation at WCLC can be submitted to a peer reviewed journal prior to presentation at WCLC but must not be published prior to the presentation at WCLC. Simultaneous publications are encouraged.
All Regular Abstracts, Clinical Trials in Progress Abstracts, and Case Series abstracts must be fully completed by the April 5, 2024 deadline.
Any Regular Abstracts and Case Series that are incomplete after the April 5, 2024 deadline will be automatically withdrawn and will not be considered for the meeting. Clinical Trials in Progress abstracts may be submitted and completed by the April 5, 2024 deadline without Results and Conclusions as those sections are optional for CTPS submissions.
To submit a late breaking abstract, you must submit a placeholder abstract including all components of the abstract except for the Results and Conclusions by the April 5, 2024 deadline.
Authors can only be listed as the Presenting Author on two (2) abstracts but can be co-author on any number of abstracts.
There is no charge to submit an abstract to WCLC.
The authors of the abstract, however, IASLC reserves the right to sell and retain any revenue/income from selling the abstracts, presentation materials or recordings of the presentations. Please refer to the detailed terms and conditions that authors have to agree to during the abstract submission.
Copyright is with the authors, however, IASLC reserves the right to publish and sell copies/recordings of the presentation materials.
The clinical trials must be registered in or an applicable one from their country/regulatory body.
No. You need to attend WCLC 2024 in person to present your abstract.
No, it’s not required.
The video platform will be available for 3 months after WCLC.