HUPO 2025
Travel Awards
Travel awards
HUPO Awards by National Societies for Master's, or PhD Students, or Postdoctoral Fellows
Travel awards by national societies for Master’s, or PhD Students, or Postdoctoral Fellows ranging up to 1,500 USD. HUPO matches the award money provided by national/regional societies up to 40%.
HUPO Travel Awards for Masters, PhD Students, and PhD Graduates with Less than 5 Years
These travel awards provide the opportunity for presenters of high rated abstracts from countries without national funding programs to present their work at HUPO and to grow professionally. Awardees will be selected by the HUPO Core Organizing Committee based on the quality of abstracts submitted.
- Complimentary full Congress Registration for HUPO 2025.
- Up to 1,000 USD to help offset travel costs.
- Masters, PhD Students, and PhD Graduates with less than 5 years.
- Must have submitted and accepted an abstract for HUPO 2025 as the Presenter.
- Must come from a country without a national society providing travel support to attend HUPO 2025.
- Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages).
- Personal statement describing how this award would further your professional development in the field of proteomics.
- Proof of status (i.e. university document, statement from supervisor or senior, etc.)
HUPO Travel Awards for Staff Scientists and Core Lab Managers
These travel awards provide the opportunity for non-industry PhD level staff scientists, lab directors and/or research associate or equivalent who have submitted a high rated abstract to HUPO 2025, to attend this important Congress. Awardees will be selected by the HUPO Core Organizing Committee based on the quality of abstracts submitted.
- Complimentary full Congress Registration for HUPO 2025.
- Up to 1,000 USD to help offset travel costs.
- Non-industry PhD level staff scientists, lab directors, and/or research associate or equivalent.
- Must have submitted and accepted an abstract for HUPO 2025 as the Presenter.
- Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages).
- Short personal statement about why you would like to attend HUPO 2025 and how attending HUPO would foster your professional development in translating “the code of life” utilizing proteotyping/proteomics strategies. (max. 150 words).
- Proof of status (i.e. letter from manager).
HUPO Travel Awards for Clinical Scientists
Under the motto ‘One World-One Health’, HUPO is encouraging all clinical scientists and fellows to attend HUPO 2025 and is pleased to provide travel awards for those who submitted a highly rated abstract to HUPO 2025.
- Complimentary full Congress Registration for HUPO 2025.
- Up to 1,000 USD to help offset travel costs.
- Must be a Clinical Scientist/ Fellow (employment in a clinical facility).
- Must have submitted and accepted an abstract for HUPO 2025 as the Presenter.
- Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages).
- Short personal statement about why you would like to attend HUPO 2025 and how attending HUPO would foster your professional development in translating “the code of life” utilizing proteotyping/proteomics strategies. (max. 150 words).
- Proof of status (i.e. letter head of unit/lab/department).
Frequently Asked Questions
Abstract titles will be released July 23, 2024.
The full abstract bodies will be released on August 14, 2024 at 10:00 PDT, except those abstracts included in the WCLC 2024 Press Program.
Abstracts selected for inclusion in the WCLC press program, including Presidential Sessions abstracts, will be kept under embargo until either the time of the presentation or the beginning of the WCLC press conference in which it is presented, whichever comes first.
An abstract that has previously been presented at another meeting will only be considered if there have been significant updates to the presentation. Submitters are required to list any previous presentations during the abstract submission process.
The submission of single case reports is not permitted, however, submission of case series with a minimum of 3 cases but preferably 5, including literature review is accepted.
July 12, 2024 is the withdrawal deadline for regular abstracts and August 9 for LBA abstracts.
The presenting author registration deadline (except LBA abstracts) is July 12, 2024 (23:59 PDT). Abstract presentations for a presenter (except LBA abstracts) not registered by this date will be withdrawn from the program.
- LBA designation will only be given to impactful prospective studies that will change clinical practice within the year and whose data are not available at the time of regular abstract submission due to study events and/or timelines. Examples include randomized phase II and/or III trials, and large single arm phase II trials in rare subtypes of thoracic malignancies. LBA’s in other disciplines that change clinical practice within the year will also be considered.
- LBA designation is not a means for extending the regular abstract deadline. Highly impactful studies that have complete data should be submitted as a regular abstract and will be considered for a prominent oral presentation based on scoring by the program committee.
- For abstracts that do not meet LBA requirements the authors will be given 48 hours to update the submitted data before the abstracts are re-classified as regular abstracts and rated based on the updated information.
Yes, industry is permitted to be in the lead and senior author positions in the author list of an abstract. However, Industry/pharmaceutical/commercial authors are prohibited from presenting Presidential, Oral, and Mini Oral presentations. Industry/pharmaceutical/commercial authors are permitted to present poster or e-poster presentations.
Associated manuscripts for any abstract selected for presentation at WCLC can be submitted to a peer reviewed journal prior to presentation at WCLC but must not be published prior to the presentation at WCLC. Simultaneous publications are encouraged.
All Regular Abstracts, Clinical Trials in Progress Abstracts, and Case Series abstracts must be fully completed by the April 5, 2024 deadline.
Any Regular Abstracts and Case Series that are incomplete after the April 5, 2024 deadline will be automatically withdrawn and will not be considered for the meeting. Clinical Trials in Progress abstracts may be submitted and completed by the April 5, 2024 deadline without Results and Conclusions as those sections are optional for CTPS submissions.
To submit a late breaking abstract, you must submit a placeholder abstract including all components of the abstract except for the Results and Conclusions by the April 5, 2024 deadline.
Authors can only be listed as the Presenting Author on two (2) abstracts but can be co-author on any number of abstracts.
There is no charge to submit an abstract to WCLC.
The authors of the abstract, however, IASLC reserves the right to sell and retain any revenue/income from selling the abstracts, presentation materials or recordings of the presentations. Please refer to the detailed terms and conditions that authors have to agree to during the abstract submission.
Copyright is with the authors, however, IASLC reserves the right to publish and sell copies/recordings of the presentation materials.
The clinical trials must be registered in or an applicable one from their country/regulatory body.
No. You need to attend WCLC 2024 in person to present your abstract.
No, it’s not required.
The video platform will be available for 3 months after WCLC.